Keep up with the latest news from The RLJ Companies.
On unemployment, black leaders press Obama, featured at
Black leaders said on Friday that the sharp spike in unemployment among African-Americans revealed in the latest jobs report is nothing short of a “state of emergency” as they ratcheted up pressure on President Barack Obama to tackle the issue.
Finding a Solution to the Wealth Gap Crisis in African American Community
For nearly two years, Robert L. Johnson, founder and chairman of The RLJ Companies, has called for a national dialogue on the growing and inevitable wealth gap in the minority community, particularly within the African American community. The economic disparity has reached a record high and in response to the recent study conducted by the…

VIDEO: Jansing & Co, Sizing up the debt super committee
Robert Johnson joins Chris Jansing to discuss bipartisan super committee tasked with finding $1.5 trillion in additional cuts in deficit spending by November.

VIDEO: The Kudlow Report, Another Market Bloodbath Ensues
The Dow fell 520 points on fears of European debt, with Robert Johnson, RLJ Companies.