Keep up with the latest news from The RLJ Companies.
Robert L. Johnson Urges U.S. Corporations to Establish a Version of the NFL Rooney Rule to Increase Employment and Business Opportunities for African Americans
In an effort to engage the business community in addressing theinequitable unemployment rates for African Americans and to increase vendor/supplier opportunities for minority-owned businesses, Black Entertainment Television (BET) founder, Robert L. Johnson and founder ofThe RLJ Companies, is urging Fortune 1000 companies to “voluntarily” adopt a version of the National Football League’s (NFL) Rooney Rule.

VIDEO: Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, Business Leaders on Health of U.S. Economy, Robert Johnson joins the discussion.
CEO to DC politicians, Think ‘one-term’, Robert L. Johnson featured on CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley
Politicians in Washington seem to be stumped, or at least, they can't agree on how to get America back to work. CBS evening news anchor Scott Pelley has been asking some of America's most prominent corporate executives to weigh in on the subject.

VIDEO: CBS News, Politicians in Washington appear to be stumped
CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley has been asking some of America’s most prominent corporate executives to weigh in on the subject. Pelley asked Johnson for his take on this country’s growing debt.