Keep up with the latest news from The RLJ Companies.
Bob Johnson Urges Members of the CBC to Support Representative James Clyburn for House Minority Whip
Robert L. Johnson, Founder and Chairman of The RLJ Companiessent a letter to the Congressional Black Caucus urging them to contact their Democratic colleagues and encourage them to lend their full support to Congressman James Clyburn in his bid for House Minority Whip. Johnson will also reach out to African American leaders and request that…

TJMS Audio: BET Founder Bob Johnson Offers The RLJ Rule To Tackle The Black Unemployment Crisis

CNBC Video: Kudlow Commentary: The Economy
Larry Kudlow says he may have been a bit too pessimistic about the economy, and that bashing rich people doesn’t create jobs. Robert Johnson, RLJ Companies discusses what can be done to increase economic growth.
Government should get out of the way, published in The Washington Post’s Capital Business
This is the essence of entrepreneurship in America: An entrepreneur has an idea, somebody has enough confidence in the entrepreneur to back the idea financially or with other resources and the free market system—if it's unhindered by over-regulation—will allow innovation and new ideas to bring products and services to the marketplace. I was able to…