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Audio: Rob Redding News Review, Bob Johnson discusses National Zogby poll on African American Opinion.
Robert L. Johnson Releases a National African American Opinion Poll
Robert L. Johnson, founder and chairman of The RLJ Companies and founder of Black Entertainment Television (BET), today announced the results of a national poll commissioned by Zogby Analytics that reveals current African American sentiment on a range of issues that include the state of national affairs, race relations, employment, and a variety of current…
Results of a National Opinion Poll Conducted by Zogby Analytics, Black Opinions in the Age of Obama
Zogby Analytics was commissioned by Robert L. Johnson to conduct an online survey of 1002 African American adults in the United States. All calls were made from February 14 through February 20, 2013. Using trusted interactive partner resources, thousands of adults were invited to participate in this interactive survey. Each invitation is password coded and…

C-SPAN Video: Robert L. Johnson Keynotes National Press Club Luncheon
Mr. Johnson’s address focuses on starting businesses, closing the unemployment gap, and the wage gap between black and white Americans.