Keep up with the latest news from The RLJ Companies.
Robert L. Johnson Hopes To Create A Black Netflix With New Urban Movie Channel, featured in Madame Noire
Robert L Johnson, founder of BET and RLJ Entertainment, has been planning his entry into digital technology since his days at BET.
RLJ Equity Partners LLC Acquires MarketCast
RLJ Equity Partners, LLC, an affiliate of The RLJ Companies, today announced its acquisition of MarketCast, LLC, a premier provider of strategic insights and analysis to marketers and researchers in the global entertainment industry. RLJ Equity Partners, in alliance with GE Asset Management, acquired MarketCast from Shamrock Capital Advisors, a leading media, communications, and entertainment…
Betting Digital Will Reach Urban Audiences, featured in Multichannel News
Black Entertainment Television founder Robert L. Johnson will once again seek out African-American and urban audiences with a new subscription video-on-demand service called UMC —Urban Movie Channel.

BBC Business Daily
America’s first black billionaire, Bob Johnson, explains why he wants a ‘Rooney Rule’ to ensure more people from ethnic minorities are considered for senior management roles.