Keep up with the latest news from The RLJ Companies.
BET Founder Robert L. Johnson Brings Strategy Honed in Media, Real Estate and PE to New Investment Bank
Can Robert Johnson do for investment banking what he's done for media, private equity, and hotel REITs?
The RLJ Companies and Roth Capital Partners Launch RLJ Capital Markets, a Full Service Minority Owned Investment Bank and Brokerage Firm
Robert L. Johnson, the founder of Black Entertainment Television (BET) and The RLJ Companies, in collaboration with Roth Capital Partners (“Roth”) today announced that they have launched a full service minority owned investment bank, RLJ Capital Markets, which will provide corporations with capital markets solutions that will enhance their ability to raise equity and debt…

Yahoo Finance: Robert L. Johnson, BET Founder, on the FCC, the Economy and the Future of Black America
The RLJ Companies Commissions Second Nationwide African American Opinion Survey
The RLJ Companies today announced the results of a nationwide African American survey conducted by Zogby Analytics. One thousand randomly selected African American adults nationwide were polled by telephone and online survey. The survey reveals current African American sentiment on a range of issues that include the 2016 Presidential Election, opinions about national and current…